Le Passager du Polarys

Premiere no. 2

Believe it or not, but when I read that the story »The Passenger of the Polarlys« was being published in German, I had to pinch my arm to see if I was really awake. Pain was there, so I was in reality. The story has now been published several times in German. But this is not a normal »adaptation«, but a comic.

Last August, I wrote that a comic adaptation of a non-Maigret novel had been published in France. As far as I know, this was a premiere. As far as a German edition was concerned, I was very sceptical at the time (self-citation: »You shouldn't rely on a publisher in the German-speaking countries publishing this work either.").

So now it's understandable that I'm pinching myself in the arm, because a major and well-known publisher has been found in Carlsen. The edition is planned for the beginning of next year (9 January). It is already possible to pre-order today. The volume will cost 22 euros, which is just fifty cents more expensive than the original French edition of the comic. As a reminder, the story was adapted for the comic by José-Louis Bocquet and illustrated by Christian Cailleaux.

I asked the Hamburg publisher various questions (for example, whether further editions are planned, who did the German editing), but received no answers. This means that time will satisfy curiosity ...